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Immediate former South Sudan Fooball Association president Chabur Goc Alei has congratulated his successor Francis Amin and wished him well in his new role.

Amin, a businessman and a former board member of Altabara FC was yesterday elected third president of the SSFA – beating his closest challenger Lual Maluk Lual by 22 votes to 12.

Chabur, who replaced interim president Oliver Mori Benjamin in 2012, did not defend his seat after failing to beat eligibility criteria.

Chabur tweeted: “Congratulations Francis Amin the new SSFA boss, wish you all the best in next four years.”

The election of Amin, who hinged his campaign on good governance and transparency, heralds a new dawn for the newest member of FIFA that was dogged by fierce leadership wrangles.

During the turbulent period, the world’s football governing body froze funding over alleged financial impropriety – leading to near collapse of the federation’s operations.

Benasio Amum Deng, who edged Sestillo Juba Lerib by 18 votes to 16 will deputize Amin.

The elections were supervised by observers from both CAF, the African confederation and FIFA.

African Football Writer contributing @Soka25east | Commentator; appeared on @MySoccerAfrica, @KweseSports, @ntvkenya, others | Keen follower of African Football. E-mail:

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