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Sam Nyamweya, an influential figure in Kenyan football, has been banned for 10 years by Football Kenya Federation (FKF) for illegal withdraw of cash from federation account.

The former Football Kenya Federation president was found guilty of withdrawing a sum of Kenya shillings two million,five hundred thousands(Ksh 2,500,000) that was in a federation account and which was destinated for FKF Aberdares branch.

According to a letter seen by soka25east which was addressed to Sam Nyamweya and signed by current FKF general secretary Robert Muthomi,the decision was reached during a meeting that was held on 21 March 201’7′ basing on the federation’s constitution in which he violated.

FKF claimed to have wired the cash to an account at Standard Chartered Bank Koinange Street branch in Nairobi instead of the Aberdare Branch Account at Kenol on 8 September 2016.

And when federation officials at Kiambu realized that they wrote to FKF head office where a step was taken requesteing the bank  to rewire the funds to the rightful account.

That did not happen until 6 October 2016 when Nyamweya who was signatory of the account cleaned out cash “which he claimed to have used to settle debts that federation owned to creditors.”

Nyamweya’s ban will cover all football activities nationaly and comes into force with immediate effect.

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